Brussels, June 19 2020. European Commission’s Innovation Radar identifies the maturity of innovations in EU-funded research and innovation projects. Today I-FEVS received a communication from Innovation Radar that has included our company among the key...

MOVE 2020

London, February 11-12, 2020. MOVE brings together disruptors, their technology and their attitude with stakeholders across all modes and disciplines: to dialogue, to create insight and to promote collaboration. I-FEVS participated in the 2020 edition presenting its...

IECON 2019

Lisbon, October 14-17, 2019. IECON 2019 is the 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), focusing on contemporary industry topics ranging from electronics, controls, manufacturing, to communications and computational intelligence. I-FEVS...

MOVE 2019

London, February 12-13, 2019. I-FEVS in collaboration with COMAU presented their project “Operating an Electric Vehicle Microfactory”. MOVE brings together disruptors, their technology and their attitude with stakeholders across all modes and disciplines:...

PIEDMONS Project, review meeting in Brussels

Review Meeting of the FET-OPEN project PIEDMONS  Brussels, September 3, 2019. I-FEVS presenting its patent pending Zone Partitioned Electric Electronic architecture based on the Infineon Aurix processor. The demonstration consisted on a real time RSA crypto secured...